If your financial reports do not help you make better business decision 24/7, it is PROBABLY not doing it job.

A dedicated team member who has your back, simplifies the numbers into actionable insights, and makes money enjoyable? THIS is the future of financial services.

Wherever you are starting — running a $100K business or a $10M business — if your numbers feel overwhelming, a happier future IS possible. It’s waiting for you on the other side of organized books, clear data, and a financial partner you trust. 

Balannx does more than bookkeeping, tax prep, and financial advising for women entrepreneurs — we make money enjoyable



Even your bookkeeping is done, or your tax return is in draft, 


does it mean for your business?


It seems such a simple thing to sit down with a cup of coffee and read through your financial reports and find everything makes sense.

HEre's how we can help:

Imagine that you CAN.:

Understand every single number in your business

Make the financial decision faster because you have all information and metrics you need.

Save hours and hours because you have someone help you put the number together in an easy way to understand

 Invest your time to grow your business instead of trying to figure out how to code a transaction.

 Be confident that your business complies with tax law and not overpaid tax.

Grow your company EXPONENTLY because you know what makes the profits.




Retainer Accounting advisory

Monthly accounting package with advice on compliance & growth


Get the Strategies and Analysis Done fast!


Tax planning and Tax Service Done for you

click here to learn more


Overwhelmed with financial tasks and not have a strategy?
Retainer CFO services depending on weekly, monthly CFO

click here to learn more

click here to learn more





click here to learn more


You're RUNNING the business—analyzing the financials, too? Special order. This done-for-you, high-level financial strategy & reporting service is styled for scaling entrepreneurs. It's time to get serious about your finances, forecasting, bay bay. LFG & crush your financial goals.

The package includes monthly bookkeeping, reconciliation, payroll services, financial reports and Visual financial analysis and forecasting.

We will have a monthly CFO call  where I explain the details of your business number, strategies, and answer your concerns and questions.

Let's Do it!

Regardless of whether you are a one-woman show business or a fully staffed business owner, you take care of all of your business. It can be on the call with customer service, selling one VIP package, or attend that strategic planning section.

Your business is constantly changing and evolving. And you need your financial metrics so you can make the decision on the go.

Yet, your book is not in order! Your financial report is not ready! 
And, even they are ready, you need have the support and understand what is happening in your business money!

One of the most popular things my clients shared with me that even they read the reports, they still do not understand what the numbers are telling! 

So, this is where I come in!

This retainer CFO package goes beyond accounting and compliance. It includes strategies, planning and we become your accountability partner, your cheerleader and strategize to help you achieve your financial goals. Financial and Time freedom is your!

Monthly Bookkeeping
Profitability analysis.
Trend reports.
Visual financial snapshot with insight and data.
Cash flow projections
Profit first allocation
1:1 60 minutes Zoom call to answer all of the questions.
Fully explanation the numbers & strategize with you for upcoming months
Quarterly tax planning
1099 tax services.
Unlimited email supporting.

The package can be tailor to your needs depending on:
Revenue and transactions volumes
1:1 meeting needs
Handle your payments to vendors and invoicing to your clients

Say Yes to your financial Success

Accounting Advisory

Do your finance make your heart jump? Do you have months of receipts and bank transactions that you have not touched it for months?

A done-for-you, high-level financial strategy, business performance deep-dive, & financial storytelling service to align your vision with data-driven insights that drive growth—so you can crush your financial goals, letting your financial reports do the heavy lifting when you can't..  

This package includes:

Monthly bookkeeping
Monthly Reconciliations
Monthly visual Financial Report
Profit analysis
Year end reconciliations
Quarterly planning

Amazing, Let's chat


We can ADD On like quarterly or monthly meeting, payments to vendors, invoice to your clients, custom financial reports


If you're the type of business owner who doesn't mind (or even prefers) to manage your own finances—but wants to learn and refine your financial strategies with the help of a pro as you go ... this is the service for you.

These packages let us meet in the middle in record time: It saves us the hours of data entry and bookkeeping (that's the most time-consuming part of accounting) but gives you our expertise, strategies, templates, & analytical eyes. We'll meet 4 hours to work through your financial goals and make sure you're on track—then step back to let YOU take the credit when your business succeeds.

I'm ready

Want Financial Planning Support: Your 6 month - 1 year financial plan needs a glow-up that help you forecasting upcoming growth phase. Buckle up, financial planning is our specialty.

Want Financial Storytelling + Reporting Support: Let's overhaul the big 3 in your financial reports: balance sheet, income statement, + cash flow statement through  in-depth analysis sessions.

Want Cash Flow Forecasting Support: You've got a multi-part business strategy to execute, but aren't sure how it will impact your cash flow (or how to structure your finances to support it). We've got you: we'll architect the financial model & help you make sure every dollar works for you.

how the process works:




There maybe fee for resetting your accounting system depending on revenue and situations.

We discuss your business needs and whether we are good fit..

We setup system and communicate with you the procedures.

We dive in your financial records, suggest plan and move forward

Tax  services

I have been working in accounting and financials for years and never heard business owners say they enjoy filing their taxes or getting their business compliant with tax. Tax can be an overwhelming part.

Let me help you to solve the tax puzzle.

Tax can be overwhelming with many, and it is understandable because it is quite challenging to keep up with ever changing tax code. This is where we come in. Let us help you ease the stress of handing your tax!


Tax Preparation

We prepare your annual personal and business tax

Maximize your tax deductions


Tax  Planning

Over the year, I have learned that life is constantly changing. You have new business ideas, newborns, new business partners, and a ton of new opportunities presenting to you. All of these relate to finance and tax, believe it or not!
I can help you to plan for these events in terms of tax.

Let me help you to solve the tax puzzle.

Let's do this

Strategic planning for your tax

Answer your questions about your business decisions like buying a car for your business.

Analyze many different options that help you not overpaying tax

S corporation analysis


Rosemary Lauer
President of Tetra Gloabl

paid off $35 million dollar business debts and built a 7 figure cash flow

"Fiona changed my life! I call her my Angel. She came in when my husband suddenly passed away, and helped me figured out his completely messed up business. I paid off his business debts in 3.5 years while building cash flow and business."

You cannot imagine the pressure and stress that I was under that time. Yet, Fiona brought her incredible financial and accounting knowledge, and a strong mindset, intelligence, and business strategies to help me solve the challenges during the tough time. I am forever grateful for what she helped me.

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


tripled his revenue

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. 

Ella K.
Founder of The Stellar Story

fiona did a brilliant job in being supportive, and offering solutions in a timely and professional manner. She is genuine and passionate about what she does, and going above and beyond is absolutely her trademark!

"I have worked with Fiona on a QuickBooks related project, and she fully delivered! She assisted me in preparing and organizing my business finances prior to filing taxes. I love how she measures her success through her clients’ success. Fiona is a passionate entrepreneur who is truly committed to her clients and their success. She is an expert in accounting, QuickBooks, finances.

"She is funny too! A great combination to have when you are in need of support with your finances. We are now working on a second project; I am sure there will be more to come. I am absolutely at ease when I say that I 100% recommend Fiona and her services!"

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


tripled his revenue

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. 

Brandi Jordan
Founder of The Cradle Company

If I had to name the top 5 most influential people to my business growth, Fiona would be undeniably within the top three. First of all not many people would say this about their accountant, bookkeeping team or CFO, but I can squarely and wholeheartedly say she has changed the trajectory of my business.

As someone who grew up in feast and famine I always thought that simply making more money was the answer. The truth is I had to do more than that. In 2017 I made $200k MORE than I had accounted for… that sounds great but WHERE was It?

In 2023 one of my highest grossing years and with Fiona handling my taxes and bookkeeping not only did I pay 50% less tax than I had the previous year when I made less money with a different accountant! Most importantly, I know my numbers. I know what the business can afford, what to put away for taxes, how much I can invest in growing my business.

At a glance with the systems she’s helped me implement I can see how close I am to goals, or if there are any leaks in my business that need to be tended to before they become a problem.
What she’s done is not just help, she’s teaching me every month how to be a better CEO.
If you are feeling shame about your money, past bad money decisions, or just want 2024 to really take off I’d highly recommend getting her on your money team.

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


tripled his revenue

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. 

Pricing formula 

Let me know if this sounds like you!
You are tired of looking at your laptop! You work long hours for your new business. Yet, you cannot afford to work less because the profit is not sufficient.
One of the solutions is PRICING how to price your products and services to make PROFIT and take a reasonable workload.
Pricing is an art, and many things affect pricing points; in this spreadsheet, I have put the basic calculation for you. It is worth the try!


but first

You did not start your business, so that you work overload, push your financials on the back burner, and you never earn enough PROFIT to pay yourself a reasonable salary!
I am here to help you do what you love and make a decent living to shine on your talents, passions and pursue your PURPOSE. I can do this because I will have your back in terms of your business financials and tax. I help you figure out the math part, compliance and how they connect with your business strategies.
Let me help you!

I'm ready for leveling up

I'm ready for leveling up