Let's Build Something Incredible Together

Imagine, all the best Financial tools for your entrepreneurship show up at your laptop screen (or iPad, phone...)
The truth is YOU DON'T need to imagine! It is here on this page. Grab what you need, and more will come!

You don't have to do it alone.

It's time you finally did that thing you've always wanted to do.

I am a mama, founder of Balannx. And, I am a CPA who loves numbers, people, and beautiful things. I can sit hours to listen to my clients' stories, questions and understand their needs, dreams, and desires and then help them achieve their goals through numbers.

On this page you will find free resource to help you level up managing your business Money.



Let me know if this sounds like you!

You are tired of looking at your laptop! You work long hours for your new business. Yet, you cannot afford to work less because the profit is not sufficient.

One of the solutions is PRICING how to price your products and services to make PROFIT and take a reasonable workload.
Pricing is an art, and many things affect pricing points; in this spreadsheet, I have put the basic calculation for you. It is worth the try!

ohh, gimme!

Tax Checklist

Tax checklist for small business owners

Let me know if this sounds like you!

You are tired of searching for tax documents! You do not know what items need for your tax returns. Governments and tax forms come to your mail box like storms in January but which one you need?

No worries! I am here to help you arrange the documents and get ready for the season! Who have time to be overwhelming with tax? You did not start business to file tax!!!

Click Here to download